Publikasjoner og presentasjoner
Pubcliations and dissemination

 Forskningsartikler i SEP-prosjektet
Research articles in the SEP-project

  • Hynnekleiv, I. I.,Giske, T., & Heggdal, K. (2024). Traces of spiritual care in nursing records: A qualitative study of cancer care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 38:924–935. DOI: 10.1111/scs.13294

  • Morland, M., Rykkje, L., & Mcsherry, W. (2024). Spiritual care for older nursing home residents-healthcare professionals’ experiences and suggestions for skills development. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 15(2), 1-14.

  • Rykkje, L., Morland, M., Ferstad, K., Kuven, B.M. (2023). A qualitative hermeneutical understanding of spiritual care in old age when living in a nursing home: The residents’ voices. Journal of Clinical Nursing.

  • Cone, P.M., Lassche-Scheffer, J., Bø, B., Kuven, B.M., McSherry, W., Owusu, B., Ross, L., Schep-Akkerman, A., Ueland, V., & Giske, T. (2023). Strengths and Challenges with Spiritual Care: Student Feedback from the EPICC Spiritual Care Self-
    Assessment Tool. Nursing Open.

  • Bø, B., Giske, T., & Kuven, B.M. (2023). Mot til å møte pasienten sine åndelege tankar og kjensler. Sykepleien Forsking.

  • Giske, T., Schep-Akkerman, A., Bø, B., Cone, P. H., Kuven, B. M., Mcsherry, W., ... & Ross, L. (2022). Developing and testing the EPICC spiritual care competency self-assessment tool for student nurses and midwives. Journal of Clinical Nursing.

  • Kuven, M. B., Bø, B., Ueland, V., & Giske, T. (2022). Åndelig omsorg handler om mer enn religiøs tro. Sykepleien Forskning, 110(87563), 87563. DOI:10.4220/Sykepleiens.2021.87563

  • Morland, M., McSherry, W., & Rykkje, L. (2022). Understanding Spiritual Care Perspectives from Healthcare Professionals in a Norwegian Nursing Home. Religions, 13(3), 239.

  • Rykkje, L., Søvik, M. B., Ross, L., McSherry, W., Cone, P., & Giske, T. (2022).

    Educational interventions and strategies for spiritual care in nursing and healthcare students and staff: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(11-12), 1440-1464.

  • Cone, P. & Giske, T. (2022). Mental Health Staff Perspectives on Spiritual Care Competencies in Norway: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 18 February 2022. Sec. Health Psychology. Special issue Spirituality and Mental Health: Exploring the Meanings of the Term 'Spiritual'.

  • Cone, P. H., & Giske, T. (2021). Hospitalized Patients’ Perspectives on Spiritual Assessment: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(2), 187-198. DOI:10.1177/0898010120965333

Prosjektinformasjon i Cristin og Researchgate

Utvalgte siterende publikasjoner
(Selected citing publications):

  • Sitefane, S., Afonso, A. and Caldeira, S. (2023), A commentary on ‘Educational interventions and strategies for spiritual care in nursing and healthcare students and staff: A scoping review’ (Rykkje et al., 2021). J Clin Nurs, 32: 963-964.

  • Mastour, H., & Heidari, M. (2022). Spirituality in medical education: a choice or a necessity?.Future of Medical Education Journal,12(4), 53-53. doi: 10.22038/fmej.2022.65174.1477



Vi arbeider i tett samarbeid med EPICC-nettverket. I tillegg bygger vi et nettverk i åndelig omsorg i Norge med hovedbase i Bergensregionen og Vestlandet. 

Giske og Cone har utviklet en lærebok i åndelig omsorg, denne er på norsk og engelsk. Rykkje har skrevet et kapittel om åndelig omsorg for bachelorstudenter i sykepleie. Giske m.fl. har utviklet en lærebok i sykepleie i Sierra Leone. Se:

  • Giske, T. (2025). Spiritual Health. I R. Amara, J. Edem-Hotah, T. Giske (Red.) Fundamentals in Nursing in Sierra Leone (Kapittel 11). Ghana Publishing Company.
  • Cone, P. (2022). The Nurse's Handbook of Spiritual Care. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • Rykkje, L. (2022 ). Åndelige behov. Åndelig omsorg – en viktig sykepleieoppgave. I E. K. Grov, I. M. Holter, A. K. Bjørnnes, & E. R. Gjevjon (Red.). Sykepleiens fundament. Sykepleieboken 1 (s. 740-759). Cappelen Damm.
  • Giske, L. & Cone, P.(2019). Å ta vare på heile mennesket-handbok i åndeleg omsorg. Samlaget

Vi formidler både via video, fremlegg, undervisning, poster og presentasjoner. Her er et lite utvalg:

  • Morland, M. & Rykkje, L. (2024). Hvordan er det å bo på sykehjem?. Fremlegg på Forskningsdagene UNG, Egget studentsenteret UiB, Bergen 19. september

  • Giske, T. (2024). Frivillige som ressurs i møte med åndelige og eksistensielle behov. Foredrag på temadag om Frivillighet og eldreomsorg, arrangert av Menighetspleien i Ålesund og Volsdalen, Ålesund kommune og Ålesund Frivillighetssentral, Ålesund 4. september
  • Rykkje, L. (2024). A qualitative hermeneutical understanding of spiritual care in old age when living in a nursing home: The residents' voices. Fremlegg på den 5. internasjonale NCCS & EACS konferansen, UiS Stavanger 23.-25. april
  • Kuven, B.M. & Giske, T. (2022). Hva er det som gir syke mennesker håp? Intervjuet av S. Jakobsen 14. Februar 2022,
  • Hva er det som gir mennesker håp? Samtale Tove Giske og Britt M. Kuven på P1+ den 7. mars 2022 med Hege Holm.

  • Kuven, B.M. & Giske, T. (2021). Hope when health fails – patients’ stories about where they find hope and strength when health fails and why it is important in nursing. Oral presentation. ICN Congress Nursing around the world, 2.-4. november

  • Giske, T. (2021). Ny europeisk standard for kompetanse i åndeleg omsorg for sjukepleiarar. HELE Tidsskrift for fag og tro, 41(1) s. 20 – 23

Se også Ressurser og vår delta på den internasjonale EPICC student-konferansen (hvert andre år)


  • Ferstad, K., & Rykkje, L. (2023). Understanding the Significance of Listening to Older People's Life Stories in Whole Person Care - An Interview Study of Nurses in Gerontology. SAGE Open Nursing, 9,
  • Giske, T. & Bø, B. (2023). Å forstå et ein ikkje kan snakke om. HELE Tidsskrift for fag og tro, 43(3), s. 12 - 16.

  • Giske, T. (2023) Hellige øyeblikk midt i kvardagen. HELE Tidsskrift for fag og tro, 43(3), s. 20-22.

  • Ross, L., Giske, T., Boughey, A.J., van Leeuwen, R., Attard, J., Kleiven, T. & McSherry W. (2022). Development of a spiritual care education matrix: Factors facilitating/hindering improvement of spiritual care competency in student nurses and midwives. Nurse Education Today,

  • Kuven, BM & Giske, T. (2022). Hope that provides strength in illness – patients’ perspectives. Nursing students’ narratives after conversations with patients. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science.
  • Giske et al. (2022). Developing and testing the EPICC Spiritual Care Competency Self-Assessment Tool for student nurses and midwives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 00,1-15.

  • Rykkje, L. & Ueland, V. (2022). En dialog med tekster – fortolkning i lys av Gadamers filosofiske hermeneutikk [A dialogue with texts – interpretation in the light of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics]. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 12(4), 1-12.

  • Olafsson, Å. M., & Rykkje, L. (2022). Existential Issues in Old Age as Narrated by Older People – An Interview Study from Norway. Religions, 13(3), 259.

  • Haugland, Ø.B & Giske, T. (2021) Nursing Students Exploring Meaningful Activities for Nursing Home Residents: Enlivening the Residents by Cultivating their Spark of Life. Nursing Reports, 11,217-228.

  • Bygstad-Landro, M., Giske, T., Blystad, A. & Martinsen, K. (2021) «Skammen slår beina under meg» – om hvordan mennesker med depresjon erfarer skam. (Shame leaves me crawling on my knees” – how people with depressions experience shame”). Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 11(2), 155-166.

  • Ross L (2021). Assessing spirituality in a diverse world. Journal for the Study of Spirituality. DOI: 10.1080/20440243.2021.1956246 

  • Anne Vandenhoeck, Joost Verhoef, Daniel Nuzum, Pascal Mösli, David Neuhold, Simon Peng-Keller, Traugott Roser, Linda Ross, Wim Smeets, Austyn Snowden, Wilfred McSherry (2021) Charting by chaplains in healthcare: White paper of the European Research Institute for Chaplains in HealthCare (ERICH). Health & Social Care Chaplaincy 

  • van Leeuwen R, Attard J, Ross L, Boughey A, Giske T, Kleiven T, McSherry W (2021) The development of a European consensus based Standard in spiritual care competencies for undergraduate nurses and midwives. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77, pp 973–986  DOI: 10.1111/jan.14613

  • Miles J, Ross L, Jarvis P, Pickett S. (2021) Spiritual support in advanced heart failure: a randomised controlled feasibility study. Journal of Health and Social Care Chaplaincy. 9 (2), pp 191–215. 

  • Kvande M, Lauritzen J, Damsgaard J, Delmar C. Ethical dilemmas embedded in performing fieldwork with nurses in the ICU. Nursing Ethics, 2021; 28 (7-8).

  • Andersen HE, Hoeck B, Nielsen D, Ryg J, Delmar C. Older ill persons’ and their adult children’s experiences with primary healthcare: A reflective lifeworld research approach. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research; 2021: 41 (2).

  • Pedersen B, Grønkjær M, Delmar C. Existential phenomenology as a unifying philosophy of science for a mixed method study; Nursing Philosophy; 2021, e12376.

  • Delmar C, Delmar C. Covid-19-vaccination: Spændingen mellem autonomi og paternalisme; belyst med Kants pligtetik og Benthams nytteetik. Klinisk Sygepleje; 2021; 35 (2): 135 – 144. https://10.18261/ISSN.1903-22852021-02-04

  • Rasmussen RC.B, Larsen K.L, Højgaard K, Dybbroe K.L, Jensen GS, Eckhardt M, Skouenborg P.B, Delmar C, Hoeck B. Når patienter indlægges til pleje og behandling i eget hjem, øges den sygeplejefaglige kompleksitet (When patients are admitted to care and treatment in their own home, the nursing complexity increases). Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning; 2021; 11 (2): 141 – 154.

  • Delmar C. Professionel sygeplejefaglig omsorg – en rammemodel (Professional nursing care - a framework model). Klinisk Sygepleje; 2021; 35 (3): 219 – 241.

    Fjørtoft A-K, Oksholm T, Førland O, Delmar C, Alvsvaag H. The position of home-care nursing in primary health care: A critical analysis of contemporary policy documents. Nursing Inquiry

  • Drageset, J., Taasen, S. E., Espehaug, B., Kuven, B. M., Eide, W. M., André, B., ... & Haugan, G. (2021). Associations between nurse–patient interaction and sense of coherence among cognitively intact nursing home residents. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(1), 16-28.

  • Haugan, G., Eide, W. M., Andre, B., Wu, V. X., Rinnan, E., Taasen, S. E., Kuven, BM., & Drageset, J. (2021). Joy‐of‐life in cognitively intact nursing home residents: the impact of the nurse–patient interaction. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 35(1), 208-219.

  • Maarten van Garderen, René van Leeuwen (november 2021). Student internship experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 12(4), 46-50.

  • Aliza Damsma-Bakker, René van Leeuwen (October 2021). An Online Competency-Based Spiritual Care Education Tool for Oncology Nurses. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 37(5),

  • Bart Cusveller, Maarten van Garderen, Joan Roozemond-Kroon (26 augustus 2021). Mental health professionals discussing spiritual care for psychiatric outpatients: a qualitative study of multidisciplinary meetings. Published online by De Gruyter

  • Rørtveit, K., Furnes, B., Dysvik, E., & Ueland, V. (2021). Patients’ Experience of Attending a Binge Eating Group Program – Qualitative Evaluation of a Pilot Study.

  • Ueland, V., Dysvik, E., Hemberg, J., & Furnes, B. (2021). Cancer survivorship: existential suffering.

  • Rykkje, L., Holm, A. L. & Hem, M. H. (2021). Norwegian Nurses’ Reflections Upon Experiences of Ethical Challenges in Older People Care  – A Qualitative Thematic Analysis. SAGE Open Nursing. doi:10.1177/23779608211057938

  • Mæland, M.K.., Tingvatn, B.S., Rykkje, L., Drageset, S. (2021). Nursing Education: Students’ Narratives of Moral Distress in Clinical Practice. Nursing Reports, 11(2), 291-300.

Bøker og bokkapitler:

  • Koroma, M.J. & Giske, T. (2025). Cultural Diversity. In R. Amara, J. Edem-Hotah, T. Giske (Ed.) Fundamentals in Nursing in Sierra Leone (Chapter 9). Ghana Publishing Company.
  • McSherry W, Boughey A, Attard J (eds.) (2021). Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care, Spinger.

  • Tormod Kleiven, Bart Cusveller, Marianne Rodriguez Nygaard, Štefica Mikšić, Adam Boughey, Wilfred McSherry (2021) What do we mean by spirituality and spiritual care? (chapter 1) (pp 21-38) ). In W. McSherry, A. Boughey, J. Attard (eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. EPICC Handbook: a resource for in nursing, midwifery and spiritual care education. Springer

  • René van Leeuwen, Gørill Haugan, Melanie Rogers, Åsa Roxberg, Joanna Zolnierz, Anto Čartolovni (2021) Competence 1: Intrapersonal spirituality and its impact on person centred spiritual care. Chapter 5 (pp 77 – 93). ). In W. McSherry, A. Boughey, J. Attard (eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. EPICC Handbook: a resource for in nursing, midwifery and spiritual care education. Springer

  • Giske, T., Damsma-Bakker, A., Caldeira, S., Romero, G.M.G, Wilson C. de Abreu, W.C., & Timmins, F. (2021) Spiritual care, Intervention and Evaluation. Chapter 8 (pp 131-149). In W. McSherry, A. Boughey, J. Attard (eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. EPICC Handbook: a resource for in nursing, midwifery and spiritual care education. Springer

  • Boughey, A., McSherry, W., Ross, L., Giske, T., Attard, J., van Leeuwen, R., & Kleiven, T. (2021) Conclusion of the EPICC journey and Future Directions. Chapter 9 (pp. 151-169). In W. McSherry, A. Boughey, J. Attard (eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. EPICC Handbook: a resource for in nursing, midwifery and spiritual care education. Springer

  • Pike J, Ross L, McSherry W (2021) Spiritual Care Competencies for Advanced Practice Nurses. In Rogers M (Ed). Spiritual Dimensions of Advanced Practice Nursing: Stories of Hope, pp 43-60. Cham; Springer.

  • Ross L, Holt J, Moene Kuven B, Ørskov B, Paal P. (2021) Educational context, evidence and exploration of professional fields of nursing and midwifery. Chapter 3, pp39-56. In McSherry W, Boughey A, Attard J (Eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Ross L and McSherry W (2021). Relevance of addressing spiritual needs for clinical support: nursing perspective. Chapter 29, pp 419-436. In Bussing A (Ed). Spiritual Needs in research and practice. The spiritual needs questionnaire as a global resource for Health and Social Care. Cham, Palgrave MacMillan.

  • Herholdt-Lomholdt SM, Delmar C. Med Martinsen på medicinsk afdeling (With Martinsen in Medical wards). I: Martinsen B, Dreyer P, Norlyk A (red.) (2021). Sygeplejens superhelte. Sygeplejeteoretikere der styrer klinisk praksis (The superheroes of nursing. Influential nursing theorist in clinical practice). København. Munksgaard, 129 – 144.

  • Rykkje, L. & McSherry, W. (2021). Spiritual care and dignity in old age. In W. McSherry, L. Rykkje, & S. Thornton (Eds.). Understanding Ageing for Nurses and Therapists (Chapter 3, pp. 39-50). Springer Nature Switzerland AG 

  • McSherry, W., Rykkje, L. & Thornton, S. (2021). Introduction: Understand Ageing and How We Care for Older People – Reflections, Legacy and Lessons Learned in the Wake of COVID-19 (pp. 1-9). In W. McSherry, L. Rykkje, & S. Thornton (Eds.). Understanding Ageing for Nurses and Therapists. Springer Nature Switzerland AG

  • McSherry, W., Rykkje, L. & Thornton, S. (Eds.) (2021). Understanding Ageing for Nurses and Therapists. Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Presentasjoner relevant for SEP 2021-2024:

  • Cone, P. &Giske, T. (2025). Spiritual Care in Nursing Education & Practice. 1 h online webinar for American Association of Colleges of Nursing. April 8th

  • Smith, A.R., Owusu, B. &Giske, T. (2024). The Art and Science of Spiritual Care. A 12 h online course (3 h x 4 Saturdays) of NCFI World Congress for nurses in the Africa region, October – November

    • Lassche-Scheffer, J. (2024). Neuman Systems Model in het Viaa Verpleegkunde Curriculum. Een abstract model in een praktische opleiding [Neuman Systems Model in the Viaa Nursing Curriculum. An abstract model in a practical education].Workshop in Health Care Caroussel at Viaa, Zwolle, The Netherlands, September

    • Giske, T. (2024) Can we measure spiritual care competencies for nurses? Workshop NCFI World Congress in Malaga Spain, June 29th

    • Smith, A.R. &Giske, T. (2024).The Art and Science of Spiritual Care. A 15 h pre-congress course of NCFI World Congress in Malaga Spain, June 24th– 26th
    • Lassche-Scheffer, J. (2024). Implementation EPICC Tool in Dutch nursing curriculum. European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health 2024, Salzburg, Austria, Online presentations, May

    • Cone, P.,Giske, T. & Jumper, M. (2024).Spiritual Care at the bedside. Keynote at 19thAnnual A. Tulleners-Lesh Research Symposium Care of the Soul: Achieving Whole Person Health. Azusa Pacific University, California, April 11th

      • Lassche-Scheffer, J. (2024). Exploring the contribution of the EPICC Spiritual Care Competency Self-Assessment Tool in a Dutch nursing education. Centre Day of the Centre of Diaconia, Values and Professional Practice, Oslo, Norway, February

      • Giske, T. (2023). Spiritual care in nursing and midwifery. Lecture as part of Global Mobility between VID, Faculty of Health Studies and COMAHS, UiSL. February 7th
      • Giske, T. (2023). Spirituality in Nursing and Midwifery. Lectures for faculty and nursing students at Central University, Ghana, February 13th

      • Giske, T. (2023). Spirituality in Nursing and Midwifery. Lectures for faculty and midwifery students at University of Ghana, Ghana, February 14th

      • Giske, T. (2023). Åndelig omsorg ved livets slutt. Temaundervisning «Når livet går mot slutten», Metodistkirkehjemmet sykehjem i Bergen, 23 mars 

      • Giske, T. (2023): Interview tv i Sierra Leone, February

      • Lassche-Scheffer, J. (2023). EPICC Tool useful for spiritual variable Neuman Systems Model? Knowledge table on International Biennial Neuman Systems Model Symposium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June, Online presentation
      • Morland, M. (2023). Forståelse av åndelig omsorg på sykehjem, (internundervisning) Sandsli Bo-og omsorgssenter

      • Morland, M. (2023). Is there a distinction between spiritual care and good fundamental care in a nursing home? EPICC – Pre-Conference

      • Morland, M. (2023). Pasienter og helsepersonells forståelse av åndelig omsorg på sykehjem, SESAM-Konferansen

      • Morland, M. (2023). Pasienter og helsepersonells forståelse av åndelig omsorg på sykehjem, Emnekurs i eldremedisin- for leger, Den Norske legeforening

      • Rykkje, L., Cone, P.M., McSherry, W., Ross, L., & Giske, T. (2023). Educational interventions and strategies for spiritual care. Oral presentation at 10th International conference on Aging and spirituality, Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Canada, June 4th – 7th

      • Rykkje, L., Morland, M., Ferstad, K., Kuven, B., (2023). A qualitative hermeneutical understanding of spiritual care in old age when living in a nursing home: The residents' voices. Oral presentation at 10th International conference on Aging and spirituality, Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Canada, June 4th – 7th

      • Kuven, B.M., Bø, B., Ueland, V. & Giske, T. (2022). Åndelig omsorg handler om mer enn religiøs tro. Sykepleien ;110(87563):e-87563. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleiens.2021.87563

      • Kuven, B.M. & Giske, T. (2022). 'Talking about faith and religion - how nursing students can learn to talk with patients about spiritual matters and why it is important in nursing. Oral presentation at Trinity 7th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference - 'The Spiritual Dimension: Cultivating Care through Research, Education and Practice' Ireland,
        June 16th

      • Kuven, B.M & Giske, T. (2022). 'Hope that provides strength in illness – do we forget the spiritual part? Nursing students’ narratives after conversations with patients. Oral presentation at Trinity 7th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference - 'The Spiritual Dimension: Cultivating Care through Research, Education and Practice', Ireland, June 16

      • Cone, P.H., & Giske, T. (2022). Collaborating Internationally for Research: Leading the Way. A virtual oral/podium presentation for the Academy of Professionals in Health Care (APHC) sponsored by Drexel University College of Medicine, Center for Professionalism and Communication in Health Care, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA June 1-3

      • Cone, P.H (2022). Une norme pour les soins spirituels [Trans. from French: A BSN Standard for Spiritual Care] Standard Européenne pour les compétences en matière de soins spirituels pour la formation de premier cycle en soins infirmiers et

        obstétricaux [ Fr Trans: A European standard for Spiritual Care Competencies in baccalaureate education for nurses and midwives]. French presentation at the first virtual conference on Health and Spiritual Care in France : Journée « spiritual
        care » on 11 March.

      • Giske, T. & Morland, M. (2022). Kva er åndeleg omsorg? 1 t internundervisning Adventistenes sykehjem, Bergen 15 april 

      • Giske, T. (2022). Åndelig og eksistensiell omsorg. Innlegg Fagdag Haraldsplass helsecampus: De skrøpelige eldre med mange treffpunkt mot kommune og spesialisthelsetjenesten, 6. mai 

      • Giske, T. (2022). Ways to overcome the challenges of integrating spirituality into health care. Online lecture for Trinity University, School of Nursing research group May 12th

      • Giske, T. (2022). Åndelig og eksistensiell omsorg – hva er det og hvordan kan det utøves?
        Foredrag fagdag 2. Juni Oslo Universitetssykehus

      • Giske, T. (2022). Professional formation – a lifelong journey of balancing courage and vulnerability in patient care. 'The Spiritual Dimension: Cultivating Spiritual Care through Research, Education and Practice’ SRIG2022 online conference: 16 June 

      • Giske T. og Glittum, A. (2022). Kilder til håp og styrke når livet røyner på. Fortellinger om håp i vår tid. Diakonhjemmet og VID. 1 t foredrag og samtale på hovedbiblioteket I Trondheim. Trondheim internasjonale Olavsfest 28. Juli – 3. august 

      • Giske, T. (2022). Spiritual Care. Keynote speaker at CANA Regional online conference, October 15th 

      • Giske, T. (2022). Advancement in Spiritual Care in Nursing (20 min). International Nursing Conference as Part of The University of Lahore, Pakistan, 1st Faculty Allied Health Sciences FAHS) Conference 2022 during October 25 - 27 

      • Giske, T. (2022.) Conceptualization of research topics in spiritual care 2 h workshop. Pre-conference workshop, School of Nursing, University of Lahore. October 24th

      • Giske, T. (2022). SEP project and development of EPICC self-assessment tool for spiritual care. Presentation at SPIRCARE seminar September 22nd, at VID, campus Bergen

      • Giske, T (2021). ‘An assessment tool for the development of spiritual care competences in undergraduate Nursing/Midwifery education based on the EPICC Educational Standard’, Keynote lecture at EPICC Network virtual Meeting March 18th 

      • Giske, T. (2021). “I had to dare to go beyond my comfort zone”: ways to promote lifelong learning of spiritual care.  Keynote speaker at 6th International Conference of the International network for the Study of Spirituality, online 7 – 8 June

      • Giske, T. (2021). Participant in panel discussion on ‘Contemporary Issues in Spirituality’ at the Trinity 6th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference – The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Securing the Foundations. Virtual conference from Trinity College Dublin Spiritual Research and Innovation Group, June 17

      • Giske, T. (2021). Går det an å måle kompetanse i åndeleg/eksistesiell omorg? Bakgrunn og smakebit på kvifor svaret kan vere ja (Is it possible to measure competence in spiritual / existential care? Background and taste of why the answer may be yes). 1 t innlegg på tillitsvalgt samling i Norheimsund 14. september

      • Giske, T. (2021). Tro, livssyn og helse. 1 t forelesning på fagdag om tro, livssyn og flerkulturell kommunikasjon (Faith, outlook on life and health. 1 hour lecture on a subject day on faith, philosophy and multicultural communication). HUS, 18. november 

      • Giske, T. (2021). Development of a tool to measure spiritual care competences. Workshop at NCFI Virtual Congress, 9 – 11 July 

      • Giske, T. McSherry, W., van Leuwen, R., Attard, J. & Kleiven, T. (2021) Development of a European Standard for Spiritual Care Core Competences for Undergraduate Nursing/Midwifery Students. Poster at NCFI Virtual Congress, 9 – 11 July. 

      • McSherry, W., Ross, L., Attard, J., van Leeuwen, R., Giske, T., Kleiven, T., Boughey, A. & the EPICC network (2021) Enhancing nurses’ and midwives’ competences in providing spiritual care through innovative education and compassionate care (EPICC). Workshop at 6th International Conference of the International network for the Study of Spirituality, online 7 – 8 June 2021

      • Giske, T., Kuven, B.M., van Leeuwen, R., McSherry, W. & Ross, L. (2021) Developing a Self-assessment Tool for Spiritual Care Competences. Oral presentation at moderated session. ICN Congress Nursing around the world, 2 – 4 November 

      • Giske, T. & Cone, P. (2021) Comparing Patients and Nurses Comfort level and Views on spiritual Assessment and Care. Oral presentation. ICN Congress Nursing around the world, 2 – 4 November

      • Cone, P. & Giske, T. (2021) International Collaboration for Research: Leading the way. Oral presentation. ICN Congress Nursing around the world, 2 – 4 November 

      • Giske, T. (2021) Centre of Excellence in VID: Spiritual care Education and practice development – The SEP project. Presentation at SDP lunch for 11. Mars 
      • Ross L, McSherry W (2021) ‘The 2Q-SAM: a practical approach to spiritual assessment & spiritual care’. Keynote address EPICC Student Spirituality On-line Conference ‘Get Ready for Spiritual Care’, Viaa University, Netherlands. 27-29 September 

      • Ross L, McSherry W (2021) ‘Equipping nurses and midwives for spiritual care: securing a firm foundation for the future’. Keynote address 6th International SIGO Conference: ‘The Spiritual Imperative in healthcare: securing foundations. Trinity College Dublin, 17 June 

      • McSherry W, Ross L, Attard J, van Leeuwen R, Giske T, Kleiven T, Boughey A, and the EPICC Network (2021). ‘Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care (EPICC)’. International Network for the Study of Spirituality 6th Conference ‘Spirituality in Research, Professional Practice and Education. On-line 7-8 June 

      • Ross L and McSherry W (2021) What is spiritual care in light of COVID-19? The nursing perspective. International Association for Spiritual Care Webinar. 26 January

      • Ross L, McSherry W, Cassidy S. Spirituality virtual training event (for Practice Education Facilitators and Practice Representatives across Wales). Hosted by HEIW. 2-4pm 2 March 

      • Delmar, C. (2021) Seminar i anledning av at professor Herdis Alvsvåg går over i stilling som emerita, 19 November 2021, VID Campus Bergen: Stærke stemmer – tilstedeværelse – intellekt – moralsk forpligtelse. En hyldest til Herdis Alvsvågs virke belyst gennem Florence Nightingale (Seminar on the occasion of Professor Herdis Alvsvåg's transfer to the position of emeritus, 19th November 2021, VID Campus Bergen: Strong voices - presence - intellect - moral obligation. A tribute to Herdis Alvsvåg's work illuminated through Florence Nightingale) 

      • Delmar, C. (2021) A Day for the Department of Oncology, Vejle Sygehus, 26 October 2021: Værdien i at have en tænkehorisont (The value of having a horizon of thought) 

      • Andersen H, Hoeck B, Nielsen D, Ryg J, Delmar C. 25. Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Virtuel, 2 – 4 June 2021: Caring   Responsibility from the Perspectives of Older Persons whose Adult Children are their Carers – A Phenomenological-hermeneutic study (Poster)

        Vedelø TW, Hedemann Sørensen JC, Hall EOC, Delmar C. Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, 4 - 6 October 2021, Copenhagen: Pros and cons when using case study in qualitative health studies (Paper)

      • Cone, P. (2021) Using a Finger Labyrinth for Restful Meditation: A Spiritual Self-Care Workshop. For APU-SON Doctoral Intensives workshop. Feb 26, 2021 Azusa, CA. 

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